Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I Just Don't Know What to Say

I'm really drawing a blank here. So I'll start out with just some stupid conversation I had with MaxieC while putting him to bed tonight. When we put MaxieC to bed, usually one of us parental units is required to lie on his bed with him until he falls asleep. This is how that started tonight:
Elmo: "Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. That tickles."

Me, CherkyB: "Uh oh. I think I sat on Elmo."

MaxieC: "Yeaaaaaaaahhhh."

Me, CherkyB: "Elmo is a retard."

MaxieC: "Yes he is."
I don't know why they thought it was a good idea for me to have kids.

I had a meeting with my boss today, and afterwards I was thinking about it to myself, and I said, "Self, I bet she thinks you are insane. You were just an hour of rambling, incoherent mess." But, as far as people who work for my boss go, I'm probably more entertaining in 5 minutes than the rest of the bunch in a week. (Though a couple of them show some promise.)

I don't know that that is necessarily a good thing.

Later, I checked with StinkyJ to see if I go insane every spring, since he happened to be instant messaging me during my time of reflection and has known me for quite a while, having recruited me to my last job. He wanted to go on and on about how all winter I am always in a funk, since he's much too important to ever talk about what you want to talk about, but eventually he admitted that I burst out of the funk each spring in an explosion of insanity and then settle back into the groove.

Sometimes I wish I weren't a complete nut-job, but we all have to play the hand we're dealt.

We now have seven crickets. Somehow, every time one is discovered, even outside, it has to be added to the collection. They never make a sound. I don't know if that is good or bad. It just is.

I read in this month's Modern Drunkard that the "watered down Jack Daniels" is out. They switched from 86 proof to 80 proof two years ago and have never been forgiven. Oddly enough, the freaking wikipedia entry even mentions how Modern Drunkard condemned them for it. I don't know what to mix in my Coke anymore. Maybe absinthe, which is "in". I mostly have been compensating for the 3% reduction in alcohol content by using 50% more, but apparently that is not stylish enough.

Speaking of which, Bozzetto has been sending me prices for the liquor store loosely associated with Sam's Club. Unfortunately, he's been sending me 750ml prices, so they have no meaning to me. I have to send him back to price out the 1.75L bottles. Good kid, that Bozzetto. Always thinking of others. A real humanitarian.

I sold the double-stroller to Cavitation. I got 1/8 of what The Mrs. paid for it a mere three years ago. Wow. Now I am 8 cubic feet closer to being able to park in the garage. I need to be able to get into the garage once to hoist the cap off the pickup soon. We are in desperate need of mulch. Not so much killer mulch, but regular mulch.

Why is HannahC still up? It's 11:00. I need to check into that...


Anonymous said...

WoodyWoody wants to be in the cast of characters.

CherkyB said...

Maybe I need to 'splain how the Cast of Characters works. See, you need to actually be in the blog. It's not a "cast of commenters" or "cast of blogrollers". Everyone on that list is someone who has been involved by name in at least one post other than being named Blog of the Week. Generally, you need to be in more than one post to make the cast - you need to be a recurring character. WoodyWoody has been in at least three different posts, and he just qualified as recurring today.

I know everyone finds it very exciting to see their biography up on Me, CherkyB, but I can't profile the whole world. And I have learned my lesson about profiling people I don't actually know. I did that to NavieA-B, and it has been a non-stop bitch and moan fest over there ever since. I'm this close to deleting her profile, except right now I'm getting a Navalanche of hits from her blog to mine.

Nava said...

No, not Bitch and Moan, but sheer gratitude for the honor!
Can't you tell the difference?

CherkyB said...

Quite frankly, I can hardly ever tell what in Sam Hell you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

I like how MaxieC insisted I "apply the brake pedal, right now!" so I could retrieve his little stuffed doggy from the middle console for him. Or how HannahC described to me all the forces she used to stick her landing after her back handspring (traction, reactive vs. the spring floor, etc.) I seem to be getting the better conversations.

Nava said...

Oooohh - that updatejust hurts!
What if I was just using the used car salesman technique?

Nava said...

Hey - Rhonda just got a new car!

Doesn't she deserve to be among the ones who made it into the Cast?

Anonymous said...

What the fuck are you people talking about? The only thing I understand is that you like Diet Jazz Pepsi - keep sucking it down - job security for me. vpadcck - translation- WTF?

CherkyB said...

I dunno. Most of my commenters are idiots. I assume that's because they are mostly womens.

Anonymous said...

I'll have you know this post lead to a discussion between me & D** about the extent to which it is offensive to call someone a retard or to say generally, "That is retarded." No conclusion was made. Also, I have a Nissan Sentra but really, really want the Nissan X-Terra. My car is almost paid off and I get these mailings from my dealership offering exclusive trade-in deals. I feel I deserve a Nissan X-Terra for the following primary reason: my legs are so long (34 inch inseam and about 38 if I wear boots) that even with my seat all the way back I still don't have enough leg room when I drive. Don't I deserve a truck?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Ellie on the Cast of Characters? And why is she trying to justify her desire for a car that will be comfortable for her? Has she been in academia too long?

Anonymous said...

Get a Subaru!

Anonymous said...

I don't want a subaru. Have I been in academia too long? I might need to self-reflect on that. . .


CherkyB said...

Dearest Ellie, I do find it odd that out of the blue you are mentioning what kind of car you drive. Do you feel you are a recurring character? Have you done a blog search to see if you have appeared in more than one post? Hmmm... I bet you have.

It's also interesting that you are telling us you wear boots with 4" heels. I can't imagine why we all need to know that.

Dearest The Mrs., there are a number of people who read this blog who have not met you. They assume my characterizations of you are hyperbole. If you continue to attempt to micromanage my cast of characters through my comments section, eyebrows will be raised. I suggest that if you so desperately need to be in charge of the biographies, you get yourself your own blog and go manage it there. Hell, maybe your sister can loan you her blog as she seems to be done with it.

Anonymous said...

In the words of my dearest other half, GFY.

Anonymous said...

don't hate me because i'm beautiful. . .