Saturday, November 01, 2008

CherkyB, The Jerk

Apparently, I am all out of sorts today. I give to you a prime example of my nastiness:

The Mrs: "Do we have Microsoft Publisher?"

Me, CherkyB: "No."

The Mrs.: "I have directions on how to do something in Microsoft Publisher."

Me, CherkyB: "We don't have it."

The Mrs.: "Can you come to the compooter room?"

Me, CherkyB: "Why?"

The Mrs.: "Cuz I need to do this thing in Microsoft Publisher."

Me, CherkyB: "We don't have Microsoft Publisher."

The Mrs.: "I know. But I want to do this project, and it needs Microsoft Publisher. Can you come to the compooter room?"

Me, CherkyB: "We don't have Microsoft Publisher."

The Mrs.: "Just come to the compooter room."

Me, CherkyB: "I'm going to need to know why. See, I already know we don't have Microsoft Publisher, so I don't know why I need to go to the compooter room since we don't have it."

The Mrs.: "Yeah. But I want to do this project, and it only has directions for Microsoft Publisher."

Me, CherkyB: "We don't have Microsoft Publisher."

The Mrs.: "Just come to the compooter room, you f'ker."

Me, CherkyB: "You'll have to wait until there's a commercial."


ellie said...

why don't you have publisher?

word verification: dathingi

CherkyB said...

Why would we? Who has Publisher?

I did the same thing in PowerPoint.

Anonymous said...

Publisher is usually part of MS Office on the second disk..